5 Tips To Land Your First Client As A Pinterest Manager 

5 Tips To Land Your First Client As A Pinterest Manager

Once you’ve started your business as a Pinterest marketing manager, it can kind of feel like you’re in limbo waiting for your first client to come along. It’s easy to feel like an imposter in the online space as you’re new and don’t yet have results to show off to potential clients. Do not let this stop striving forward and growing your business! 

As a full-time Pinterest manager with my own business that makes $30k monthly, here are my top tips for landing your first client:

Learn Everything You Can About Pinterest Marketing And Practice 

If you want to help businesses achieve their marketing goals on Pinterest, then you’ve got to test out Pinterest marketing strategies and Pinterest best practices. This includes:

  • Knowing how the Pinterest algorithm works

  • Understanding Pinterest SEO and how to incorporate keyword research 

  • Creating pins according to best Pinterest design practices 

  • What content works well on the platform

Once you’ve got this down, you can start testing out Pinterest strategies with your own Pinterest account (you need to treat yourself as a client!). 

Reach out to someone you know with their own business that you feel would do well on Pinterest and offer your services for free in order to gain results and testimonials. 

Don’t be shy to post the impressive results from their account and testimonials from them in your marketing material. This kind of social proof is one of the best ways to gain momentum and paying clients. 

Market Your Services 

There is no one right way to market your business – but whatever you choose, remain consistent. 

Social Media 

One of the most popular marketing tools is social media, namely Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. 

It can be exhausting to try and remain active on every possible platform, so do your research about where your ideal clients hang out online. This is where you should be. 

If you’re not a big fan of social media, don’t worry! You can market your business without it.


Posting regular blogs was one of the most effective ways I grew my business. Writing in-depth blogs showcases your expertise and places you as an expert in Pinterest marketing. 

Tip: Find out what people are searching for relating to Pinterest marketing and write blogs on these topics. A fantastic platform to consider for this research is Answer The Public

Facebook And LinkedIn Groups 

Are your ideal clients on Facebook and LinkedIn? If so, what groups are they a part of? Search for keywords related to the niche your ideal client is in (for example, if you want to work with clients in the health and fitness sector, you’d search for fitness coaches, holistic health practitioners, dieticians, nutritionists, etc.). 

Put Yourself Out There And Network 

It’s not just important to network with ideal clients, but also with other professionals in your industry. There are many benefits to being in a community of other Pinterest managers and virtual assistants. 

You can bounce ideas off of each other, offer support, and give each other leads. Do not act as an island when you’re an entrepreneur. 

Create A Strong Onboarding Process

Pinterest skills are, of course, essential for a successful Pinterest marketing business. However, as a Pinterest manager, it’s also essential that the way your business runs is super smooth. Pay attention to creating the best client experience possible. 

This includes a fast website that provides a good user experience, prompt responses when people message you, excellent organizational and time management skills, and a strong onboarding process. 

Onboarding is the process of taking a person into your business as a client through password sharing, link sharing, and contract signing. 

Make a list of all the information you need from a client when they decide to work with you and create a system through which you’ll get it, such as a welcome email with your contract followed by a link to a Google Drive folder you’ll share with them with necessary documents. 

Tip: Back-and-forth emails do not create a good client experience, so try and condense this process into the smallest amount of emails possible.  

Build Your Confidence Through Mindset Work 

This was honestly one of the most impactful things I did when I was building my Pinterest business

When I first began my business I knew exactly what I wanted to achieve with it. Before I even launched Haskin Creatives or worked on my website, I worked on my mindset. I’d wake up and tell myself how awesome I was and what a kick-ass Pinterest manager I was, even though I hadn’t even begun practicing as one yet.

Imagine that your goals have already been achieved. Visualize what your life looks like now. How does this make you feel? This is such a powerful exercise because it gets you into a space of believing it’s real and possible. Here are some journaling prompts for you to answer when visualizing your dream life and business: 

  • How do I spend my time? 

  • What does my day look like?

  • Who am I working with? Who are my ideal clients? 

  • Where do I currently live? What does my space look like? 

  • Who do I spend time with? 

  • How much do I earn? What becomes possible with this amount of financial freedom? 

If you want to reduce the time spent achieving your business goals, sign up for the Haskin Creatives Pinterest Manager Course. Through this online Pinterest marketing business course, you’ll gain access to the exact blueprint you need to skyrocket your success as a Pinterest manager. Sign up here

Hello, I'm Megan! 

An introvert at heart, Pinterest is the perfect platform for me. Simply posting your content using the right marketing strategies gets you an abundance of website traffic? No engagement or ‘showing up’ needed?

Who wouldn’t want to use this powerhouse of a platform …