How To Create A Portfolio As A New Pinterest VA

How To Create A Portfolio As A New Pinterest VA

You’ve been dreaming about starting your own online business for a while now. Quitting your 9 to 5 and working from home are things you’re so excited about! The term ‘Pinterest virtual assistant’ came across your computer as you’ve researched at-home businesses you can start, and you’re intrigued. But, you have zero experience working on Pinterest (besides using the platform for recipes and your vision board). 

That’s okay! Becoming a Pinterest VA is a legit way to make money and you can start your Pinterest marketing business with no experience. However, you do still need some sort of portfolio or proof of work to start getting paying clients. 

What Does A Pinterest Virtual Assistant Do?

A business can hire a Pinterest virtual assistant to create and schedule pins to accomplish the business’ marketing goals, such as increasing website traffic and sales. 

As a Pinterest VA, there are a number of services you can offer:

  • Pinterest Business account setup

  • Pinterest account audits 

  • Pinterest strategy creation

  • Pinterest SEO and keyword research 

  • Designing and scheduling pins 

  • Pinterest advertising (different from organic marketing on the platform)

  • Analytics reports 

Is Pinterest VA Legit?

Yes! My business and the plethora of other Pinterest marketing businesses are proof of this. 

Pinterest is a massive platform where people look for inspiration and ideas, products, and services. 

Hootsuite reports, “In February 2024, Pinterest reported 498 million monthly active users–up by 16 million users from the previous quarter.”

The Pinterest platform continues to grow, offering businesses the chance to connect with their ideal audiences. 

This is where you can come in! To get the most out of marketing on Pinterest (2x better ROAS than other platforms and 2.3x more efficient cost per conversion) businesses need to get a Pinterest marketing expert on their team. 

How To Become A Pinterest VA Without Experience

Learn Everything You Can About The Platform 

Do this by watching YouTube videos, reading blogs, and following Pinterest managers on social media. When I was learning, I put everything into practice as I went along by building out my own Pinterest account for my business. I also got experience as a Pinterest VA by working on a friend’s account, which also helped me test out my client onboarding procedures. Doing this was invaluable in my journey to becoming a business owner as I was able to practice my Pinterest skills and test out different strategies. 

Show Proof Of Your Skills

Once you’ve gained experience growing your own Pinterest account, you can showcase the results as a sign of proof that you know what you’re doing. After working with another business to gain experience, you can use their stats, too, and ask them for a testimonial. 

Showcase Your Work 

Once you know what you’re doing and have results to show, you can build a portfolio of your skills on your website and social media platforms. Create a professional website with a section dedicated to your wins as a Pinterest VA – this can include how stats have improved since you started working on accounts and examples of your work (like pin designs). Also, make sure to add the testimonial you got from working with a business while you were learning. As you get more clients, you can add more testimonials. Your social media platforms also act as your portfolio. Update your business Instagram and Facebook accounts often with proof of work and wins. 

Skills Development 

To be a business owner, it’s important to develop both hard and soft skills. Hard skills are related to specific technical knowledge, while soft skills are more personal traits. For a Pinterest VA, hard skills include:

Soft skills to concentrate on as a Pinterest VA include:

  • Communication (being an active listener)

  • Adaptability 

  • Time management

  • Organization 

How To Get Clients As A Pinterest VA

Once you’ve gained experience using the platform as a marketing tool, it’s time to connect with potential clients. But how? Where can you find clients as a Pinterest virtual assistant? Here are five ways to get your business out there:

  • Market your business through your own platforms, including social media and your website

  • Join the Facebook groups your ideal clients engage in

  • Make profiles on job sites

  • Cold emails (but strategically!)

  • Referrals by connecting with other marketing business owners and virtual assistants 

I go in-depth on all of these tips here.  

How Much Can You Make As A Pinterest VA?

Beginner Pinterest VAs can charge anything between $300 to $400 a month for Pinterest management services. With this rate in mind, you could easily make $2k a month with only five clients. 

When you’re first starting out, getting five clients can seem like a mammoth task, but considering how many businesses there are out there (millions!) it really isn’t that hard.

Earning potential after that is limitless and depends on how much time you have available to put toward managing accounts and growing your business. 

If you’re starting your Pinterest business while working full-time, I’ve got some tips for you here.

Generally, as a full-time Pinterest virtual assistant, you can expect to earn anything between $3k and $5k monthly. I currently earn $30k from managing Pinterest accounts and have a team who assist me.

You can collapse time around achieving your goal of becoming a full-time Pinterest VA by taking the Haskin Creatives Pinterest course. Get my tried-and-true blueprint to skyrocket your success and start earning within a month! Sign up here.

Hello, I'm Megan! 

An introvert at heart, Pinterest is the perfect platform for me. Simply posting your content using the right marketing strategies gets you an abundance of website traffic? No engagement or ‘showing up’ needed?

Who wouldn’t want to use this powerhouse of a platform …