How To Master Pinterest SEO

How To Master Pinterest SEO

As a Pinterest virtual assistant, it’s vital that you understand the Pinterest algorithm, which means getting to grips with search engine optimization. Yes, Pinterest is a search engine; keywords play a massive role in getting your clients’ pins discovered by their ideal audience. 

Pinterest is continuing to grow, and so it is still worth it to start a Pinterest business if you want to start making money online. Over half a billion people use the platform to get inspired and to shop, which means businesses can market their products to ready-to-buy consumers…as long as they use an SEO strategy. As a Pinterest manager, you can offer them this service.

To grow a successful Pinterest marketing business, it’s essential that you learn Pinterest SEO skills to attract more clients and get positive results for them. 

What Is Pinterest SEO?

Pinterest SEO is practices that make it possible for your content to be seen by Pinterest users, which in turn creates more website traffic. “...Pinterest SEO and ranking well on Pinterest is crucial for business owners who want to gain an extra source of traffic. Traffic that could turn into new customers and sources of revenue,” says SEM Rush

So, how do you improve SEO on Pinterest? With keywords!

Why Is Keyword Research Important?

When you research something on Pinterest – let's say you’re looking for a sourdough recipe – you would type in the search term in the search bar. Your results would then be populated with different pins that Pinterest thinks would be relevant to what you’re looking for. When you type in “sourdough recipes”, you’ll get pins related to sourdough desserts, easy sourdough recipes, sourdough bread, etc. But, how can Pinterest tell what would matter to you?  

Pinterest analyses pins according to quality and relevance. Quality refers to the specs of the pin, how good the image is, and domain standard. Relevance means how much it aligns with the search term. This is where keywords come in. 

Keyword research is a vital part of Pinterest marketing. This involves exploring different search terms you can use in your pin descriptions and elsewhere in your profile. There are a number of ways to do keyword research, including exploring Pinterest Trends (found under Analytics in Pinterest Business), using a keyword research tool, typing in different terms in the search bar to see what relevant options come up, and looking at popular pins for keyword ideas. 

Where Do Keywords Go On Pinterest? 

Almost everywhere! Neil Patel advises, “You should include keywords in your board names, board descriptions, and in the descriptions of each photo you pin. This tells Pinterest how to categorize your pins and content.”

When you take over a client’s Pinterest account, do an account audit to make sure that their profile and boards are filled with keywords that are relevant to their niche. During pin creation, ensure the descriptions you write are keywords rich. 

What Are Rich Pins?

Rich pins pull information from the linked website using metadata, and updates automatically when the website page is changed. For example, for product pins, the pin would include real-time information on availability, pricing, and where to purchase items. So, this is a type of pin with more information available to the pinner. Sprout Social says that a significant pro of using rich pins is SEO, “Rich pins make your content more searchable: The extra information included allows you to appear for more keywords.”

How Do You Know Your Pinterest Strategy Is Working?

Pinterest Analytics will tell you if your strategy is working or not. 

Dive into Pinterest Analytics at least once a month to check how accounts are doing.

If your pins are getting discovered, you’ll see this being reflected in the Impressions and Total Audience metrics. 

Look for the pins that did the best – that’s the type of content that is being searched for and is resonating with your audience. 

Pinterest is always evolving, so it’s up to you to stay up-to-date with changes on the platform, including algorithm shifts. Read blogs and newsletters to make sure your business’ offerings and strategies remain relevant.

Collapse time around achieving your business goals with the Haskin Creatives online Pinterest virtual assistant course. You’ll get the exact blueprint I used to grow a successful Pinterest marketing business that now earns over $30,000 a month. Find out more and join the waitlist here.  

Hello, I'm Megan! 

An introvert at heart, Pinterest is the perfect platform for me. Simply posting your content using the right marketing strategies gets you an abundance of website traffic? No engagement or ‘showing up’ needed?

Who wouldn’t want to use this powerhouse of a platform …