How To Stay Up To Date With The Pinterest Algorithm

How To Stay Up To Date With The Pinterest Algorithm

A Pinterest marketing business needs to be constantly evolving. After all, marketing best practices are never stagnant! There are seemingly always new and better ways to promote products and services and get content in front of ideal audiences. 

As a new Pinterest virtual assistant, this may be extremely overwhelming for you and you’re probably wondering the best ways to stay up-to-date on the Pinterest algorithm.

I’ve been working as a Pinterest manager for many years now, and there are a few steps I take regularly to ensure I’m well-informed on Pinterest's best practices so that I can give my clients the best service possible. 

Here are five ways to stay current with Pinterest marketing updates as a Pinterest VA:

Get The Newest Information From The Source

Are you following Pinterest on social media? If not, time to get on board! Official Pinterest resources – such as their Instagram account – are one of the best ways to stay updated on the algorithm and what’s popular on the platform. 

Also, I recommend bookmarking the Pinterest Newsroom. This is where Pinterest posts the latest news that you can benefit from as a Pinterest business owner. 

Pinterest Business also has a super informative blog you can read through.

Follow Other Industry Professionals 

On your business Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok accounts, make sure you’re following other Pinterest business managers and professionals, as well as Pinterest creators. 

Tip: It’s so easy to get lost in a social media void when scrolling! So, make sure you’re scrolling with intention. Set a time limit and have your notes app open so that you can record interest tips you come across. You could also save posts and set time to come back to these posts to get the information for your Pinterest strategies.

YouTube is another amazing resource to gain information about Pinterest marketing best practices. Also, sign up for relevant newsletters!

Join Groups 

One of the best things about social media and the internet, in general, is the ability to meet people all over the world. You have access to other Pinterest professionals – are you taking advantage of this opportunity? 

Join Facebook and LinkedIn groups focused on Pinterest and social media marketing. You can search for these groups using keywords such as “Pinterest Marketing Strategies” or “Pinterest for Business.” These groups are great for networking and getting real-time updates.

Make Time For Lives, Masterclasses, And Webinars 

When you follow Pinterest business owners and Pinterest creators, you’ll notice that many of them will go Live on Instagram or host masterclasses and webinars. These are amazing opportunities to not only gain new perspectives and strategy ideas, but they also give you a chance to ask questions and get feedback in real-time. 

To enhance your Pinterest skills and collapse time around achieving your business goals, sign up for the Haskin Creatives online Pinterest virtual assistant course. I explain exactly what I did to create a Pinterest marketing business that now earns over $30,000 every month.

Check Pinterest Marketing Tools

Under the Pinterest Business Hub, you’ll find:

Pinterest Trends

“The Pinterest Trends tool displays a historic view of the top search terms across different regions and countries. You can use it to learn when people start searching for various keywords, find out what content is popular on Pinterest, and see what’s trending specifically among your audience,” explains Pinterest Business

It’s important to check in with Pinterest Trends when you’re creating content calendars for your clients so that you know what your clients’ audiences are searching for and are interested in on the platform. 

Analytics Overview 

Diving into an account’s metrics regularly is essential! These numbers will tell you what you need to know about the health of a Pinterest business account, including how many people are seeing and interacting with your pins. 

When you take the time to analyze these numbers and what they mean, then adjust your strategy according to the results you want, you’re learning, developing your skills, and taking note of what’s working on the platform. 

Being a Pinterest manager isn’t a one-and-done thing. To stay relevant, it’s essential that you’re consistently educating yourself on Pinterest algorithm updates. Add the above tips to your upskilling plan so you’re up-to-date with the best practices for Pinterest success.

Hello, I'm Megan! 

An introvert at heart, Pinterest is the perfect platform for me. Simply posting your content using the right marketing strategies gets you an abundance of website traffic? No engagement or ‘showing up’ needed?

Who wouldn’t want to use this powerhouse of a platform …