How To Use Pinterest Trends

How To Use Pinterest Trends

To be a successful Pinterest manager, it’s essential to understand the Pinterest algorithm so that you can provide your clients with the best results possible. This means using the platform to find out what audiences are searching for. Pinterest Trends is an amazing way to do this. Plus, this tool can even guide you on what’s going to be popular in the future.

Here’s what you need to know about Pinterest Trends and how to use it as a Pinterest virtual assistant

How Can I Use Pinterest More Effectively?

Pinterest isn’t just about posting images and videos on the platform. Yes, aesthetics do matter, but there are more important ways to enhance your Pinterest marketing strategy:

Understand Your Clients’ Marketing Goals

It’s essential that you understand what your clients are on Pinterest for. When you onboard a client, have an in-depth conversation with them about what they hope to achieve, whether it’s an increase in website traffic or more sales, for example. This will influence the Pinterest strategy you create for them. 

Create A Content Calendar 

Pinterest loves new content posted on the platform regularly. A content calendar is a schedule detailing when you’re going to post upcoming content. This is a great way to stay consistent. 

Boost Pinterest SEO

The Pinterest algorithm pays special attention to keywords. To improve Pinterest SEO and get your pins seen by the desired audience, you’ve got to know what this audience is searching for. 

I explain how to do keyword research for Pinterest here.  

Do Your Research 

Besides doing keyword research for your pins and Pinterest board descriptions, you can dive into popular topics on Pinterest and tap into these trends to give your content a boost. This is where Pinterest Trends comes in. 

How To Find Out What's Trending On Pinterest?

Pinterest Trends is a tool creators can use to discover what’s popular on the platform and what will be popular in the future. 

You can find the tool on Pinterest Business accounts under Business Hub, then Analyse Performance. On the page, you’ll find a search bar you can use to type in keywords and compare them with others that Pinterest suggests. You can also change the region. This page will display the top trends with the highest search volume over the past 30 days, too.

You’ll see the keywords’ divided between weekly, monthly, and yearly popularity changes.

This tool allows you to filter trends based on trend type, date, interests, keywords, age, and gender.  

Pinterest releases an annual report on what they think will be trending in the next 12 months – you can find this here

How Accurate Is Pinterest Predicting?

Very accurate! According to Pinterest Create, the platform’s predictions are 80% correct. “Based on trend data analysis and insights gleaned from billions of searches, trends on Pinterest provide a real sneak peek into the future. Better yet: The trends are solid. In fact, 80% of the trends in our annual trend report, Pinterest Predicts, came true for the last four years running.” 

How To Use Pinterest Trends? 

Pinterest Create advises creators to use the tool as a way to get a jump on upcoming trends by creating content ahead of time, “Capitalize on the timing by creating your own unique take on upcoming trends now before they fully take off, so you can ride the trend wave.” 

Thanks to the age, gender, and keyword filters, you can tailor your search to a specific audience. In Audience Insights under Analyse Performance, you can get to know your audience better, including their age range, gender, and interests. Use this information to hone in on trends that your audience is interested in. 

How Do I Attract Viewers On Pinterest?

To attract more eyes to pins, there are multiple boxes you need to tick:

  • Aesthetically pleasing pin designs

  • Keyword-rich descriptions and pin titles 

  • Consistent posting, especially new content and URLs 

  • Paying attention to Pinterest Trends 

  • Understanding what your audience is searching for 

Once a month, analyse your clients’ Pinterest Analytics. These metrics – impressions, engagements, total audience, pin clicks, etc. – will tell you what’s resonating with the audience. Do more of what’s working. 

Are you looking for an in-depth guide on how to be a successful Pinterest virtual assistant? The Haskin Creatives online Pinterest course is for you. You’ll learn exactly how I created a successful Pinterest Marketing business that now earns more than $30k every single month. Learn more here.

Hello, I'm Megan! 

An introvert at heart, Pinterest is the perfect platform for me. Simply posting your content using the right marketing strategies gets you an abundance of website traffic? No engagement or ‘showing up’ needed?

Who wouldn’t want to use this powerhouse of a platform …