How To Stay Consistent In Your Pinterest Business

How To Stay Consistent In Your Pinterest Business

One of the first things that becomes apparent when you start your own business is that success doesn’t happen overnight. When it feels like success keeps evading you, it’s easy to get disheartened… Then, you start neglecting important tasks, reduce the time you spend working on your business, and your productivity drops. 

It’s so important to keep showing up even when you’re not seeing results. Remember, after you plant a seed, you’re not going to see a tree right away. You’ve got to keep watering it and looking after it consistently before you see any type of growth. 

Here are my 6 tips for staying consistent in your new Pinterest business

Create Clear Goals That You’re Excited About 

What are you working towards? You need to be clear about your goals so that you know the hard work you’re putting in now will be worth it in the future. 

When setting goals, make sure they’re aligned with you and what you truly want. Social media and society will try to persuade you that you want certain things. If you truly want these things, amazing! However, if you don’t, you don’t need to work towards them. 

For some, being able to travel around the world with a digital business is what drives them. For others, creating a multi-six-figure business with a team behind them is their ideal. While many people just want a few clients so that they can work from home and be there for their kids.

Find your “why”.  

Work On Your Mindset

Having a website, marketing, and connecting with people are all important for business growth. But, don’t underestimate the power of mindset work. 

One powerful way to work on your mindset is journaling.

Imagine that your goals have already been achieved. Visualize what your life looks like now. How does this make you feel? This is such a powerful exercise because it gets you into a space of believing it’s real and possible. 

Here are some journaling prompts for you to answer when visualizing your dream life and business: 

  • How do I spend my time? 

  • What does my day look like?

  • Who am I working with? Who are my ideal clients? 

  • Where do I currently live? What does my space look like? 

  • Who do I spend time with? 

  • How much do I earn? What becomes possible with this amount of financial freedom? 

Click here for my mindset practice for attracting a successful business.

Let Go Of Perfectionism

Perfectionism can slow down your progress and stop it completely. Accept that not everything is going to work out exactly how you want it to!

If something doesn’t work, learn from the experience – don’t just give up. For example, look through your metrics (Pinterest and social media) to understand what’s resonating and what’s not. If something you try doesn’t work out like you wanted, it’s okay! You still gain a lesson that will help you move forward.

Invest In Yourself Personally And Professionally 

How To Invest In Yourself Personally

Make a self-care routine that you can go to whenever you need a pick-me-up. This can look like your favorite recipes to make when listening to a playlist, feel-good movies and series, and an in-depth skincare routine. 

Also, have a morning routine that sets you up for a productive day. Waking up a bit earlier to exercise, journal, and/or eat a healthy breakfast (for example) will help you take on the day with more energy, mindfulness, and confidence.

How To Invest in Yourself Professionally 

To stay up-to-date with your niche, it’s essential to take time for professional development. This can look like:

  • Taking courses to gain and improve skills. 

  • Joining masterclasses and Instagram Lives to learn new things. 

  • Hiring a mentor or business coach. 

  • Follow people on social media who have achieved the goals you’re working towards. 

  • Sign up for newsletters and take time weekly to review them. 

Join A Supportive Community

Being part of a community can make a huge difference in your business journey. Having people you can talk to who are also business owners can be a fantastic source of support. Also, you can bounce ideas off of this group and gain valuable advice and ideas.  

Celebrate Every Win And Milestone 

Celebrating your achievements is a big part of staying motivated. No matter how small a milestone is, acknowledge it and recognize that it’s moving you closer to your goals. 

When you see your progress, you’re more likely to keep showing up. 

Really want to be able to celebrate your first client? Click here for my tips on landing your first Pinterest job. 

One of the biggest challenges when starting as a Pinterest virtual assistant is staying consistent when results are slow. Follow the above steps to stay motivated and keep making progress. Your hard work will pay off!

Collapse time around achieving your business goals as a Pinterest manager by signing up for the Haskin Creatives online Pinterest course. You’ll learn everything you need to know to start earning within a month! Find out more here.

Hello, I'm Megan! 

An introvert at heart, Pinterest is the perfect platform for me. Simply posting your content using the right marketing strategies gets you an abundance of website traffic? No engagement or ‘showing up’ needed?

Who wouldn’t want to use this powerhouse of a platform …