Should You Choose A Niche As A Pinterest VA?

Should You Specialize As A Pinterest VA

A huge part of starting your own Pinterest marketing business is deciding who you want to work with. Should you choose a specific niche and concentrate on clients in that field, or should you broaden your net and be more of a generalist Pinterest VA

There are pros and cons to being a specialist and a generalist. But before we dive in, what are the most popular niches on Pinterest?

Profitable Niches On Pinterest

Pinterest is a massive platform with billions of people using it for inspiration and to find products to buy. “Pinterest users are shopping on the platform – a whopping 85% of weekly Pinners have made a purchase based on a pin they saw from a brand,” says Sprout Social. You can find so many things on Pinterest, but some sectors come out on tops in terms of profitability, including: 

Home Decor And Architecture 

This includes home organization and decor tips, and interior design trends.

Food And Recipes 

“Dinner ideas” is one of the most popular searches on Pinterest. Many people turn to the platform for inspiration in the kitchen. 

Health, Fitness, And Wellness 

People turn to Pinterest for inspiration to be healthier and happier. Content related to workouts, fitness tips, and health hacks tend to do well on the platform. 


This is a huge niche on Pinterest, with people planning their trips using the platform. According to the The Pinterest 2024 Travel Report, “8 in 10 weekly Pinterest users turn to Pinterest when planning their summer escapades. Since last year, searches for ‘travel vision board’ and ‘packing guide’ have skyrocketed 210% and 480% respectively…” 

DIY And Crafts 

“Do It Yourself” is a well-loved Pinterest category. People are looking for ideas – 96% of its top searches are unbranded meaning posts about crafts can soar. 

Important: Just because a subject is popular on Pinterest, it doesn’t mean you can just upload pins with no strategy. It’s important to design appealing pins and do your keyword research for boards and pins. 

Tip: The traffic you receive on Pinterest will depend on the niche your content is in. It’s unrealistic to compare the results of pins in a super popular niche and topics that aren’t as searched for on the platform. 

Pros Of Choosing A Pinterest Niche As A VA

There are upsides to specialising in a particular niche: 

Expertise and Authority

If you only focus on one sector, it can make it easier to set yourself apart and present yourself as an expert. There are clients who are more likely to hire a Pinterest manager who focuses on their niche. For example, a health coach may be swayed to hire a Pinterest expert who focuses on health-related content. 

Targeted Marketing

Here’s the thing with marketing your Pinterest services: talking to everyone can dilute your message (in other words, you don’t want to just throw spaghetti at the wall hoping something sticks). When you specialize, marketing efforts can be more focused and effective as you have a better understanding of the audience you’re speaking to. Also, the trends you focus on will resonate with your ideal clients.


When you specialize, you’re able to center your work on what you’re passionate about. Let’s say you’re passionate about health and wellness. Building and marketing your business becomes so much easier when you’re truly interested in what you’re talking about. Also, you can connect more with your ideal clients, as you have similar interests. 

Cons Of Choosing A Pinterest Niche As A VA

There are a few downsides to consider before opting for a specific niche as a Pinterest VA:

Limited Client Base

Focusing on a singular type of client (like only food bloggers) can limit the number of potential clients who ask for your services. This can make it challenging to grow your business as you’re cancelling out a lot of businesses who could work with you.

Changes In the Market

Market trends and economic changes can impact niches on Pinterest. If a particular niche declines in popularity, it could impact your Pinterest business.

Repetitive Work

Only working within a single niche can cause your business to become monotonous. This is why it’s important to align your business with what you’re passionate about as well as what does well on Pinterest. 

Of course, you don’t have to choose a niche! You can simply focus on being a Pinterest VA who works with a number of different businesses. 

Pros Of Being A Pinterest VA Generalist

There are amazing upsides to working with a variety of different clients, namely:

Increased Client Base

A general Pinterest virtual assistant can work with clients from many different industries, which reduces dependency on a single market.


If you’re someone who can get bored easily, being a general Pinterest VA may be the route for you. You’re able to work within many niches, so you’re constantly learning about different topics. 

Cons Of Being A Pinterest VA Generalist

While there are great things about being a generalist, there are a few negatives to be aware of:

Broad Marketing Message

Without a specific niche to hone in on, marketing can be challenging as you’re trying to appeal to a larger audience. 

Broad Knowledge Requirement

As a general Pinterest VA, you’ve got to keep up with Pinterest trends across industries. This can be overwhelming, and increases the amount of time you need to stay up-to-date with the niches you work within. 

Every business owner is different – weigh the pros and the cons of your decisions to make sure you’re making the choices that will lead you to the Pinterest business of your dreams!

Do you want a Pinterest manager who has already built a successful business on your side? Then the Haskin Creatives Pinterest virtual assistant course is for you! Get my tried-and-true blueprint to skyrocket your success and start earning within a month! Sign up here.

Hello, I'm Megan! 

An introvert at heart, Pinterest is the perfect platform for me. Simply posting your content using the right marketing strategies gets you an abundance of website traffic? No engagement or ‘showing up’ needed?

Who wouldn’t want to use this powerhouse of a platform …