How To Track Your Clients’ Pinterest Metrics

How To Track Your Clients’ Pinterest Metrics

As a Pinterest manager, one of the most important things you can do is track your clients’ metrics. Diving into their impressions, clicks, and saves is an essential part of a Pinterest marketing strategy. It shows how your strategy is working, whether or not you need to pivot, and builds trust with your clients. 

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Here’s what you’ve got to know about Pinterest analytics:

How Do I See My Pinterest Analytics?

When you log in to Pinterest (it needs to be a Business account), under the left hand side drop-down, you’ll find ‘Analyse Performance’. Click ‘Analytics Overview’ and you’ll be in the account’s analytics section. Here, you’ll be able to see the overall performance of the account, as well as the top pins and top boards. 

You’re able to adjust for date as well as metric to hone in on specific results.  

How Accurate Is Pinterest Analytics?

Pinterest Analytics is a tool that tracks data accurately over certain periods of time. “You’ll see your Overall performance, Performance over time, Top boards and Top Pins from the last 30 days. Keep in mind that these real-time metrics are estimates and subject to change. As a result, they might decrease,” explains Pinterest Business. You can set a custom date, or set the date to the last 24 hours, week, 14 days, 21 days, 60 days, or 3 months. 

How Do You Measure Success On Pinterest?

Pinterest metrics include:

Impressions: The number of times your pins were seen on screen. This metric is an indication of whether or not the keywords you’re using in your pin descriptions are working. 

Engagements: The number of times your pins were engaged with. If your Impressions are high, but Engagements are low, it could be a sign that your pins aren’t appealing enough.

Outbound Clicks: The number of times people click on the URLs of pins. This is key if you want to drive website traffic.

Saves: The amount of times pins were pinned to boards. This metric shows what content is really resonating with the audience. 

Total Audience: The amount of people who’ve seen your pins. 

Engaged Audience: The people who’ve engaged with your pins. 

Engagement Rate: This is the percentage of total engagements (Saves, Pin clicks, and Outbound Clicks) divided by the number of times your pins were seen to help understand how well your audience is connecting with the content you’re posting.

I break down Pinterest marketing terms here

All of these metrics tell you something about the success of your content. But, what’s the most important metric on Pinterest? 

What Is Pinterest North Star Metric?

The most important metric on Pinterest depends on the goals of your clients. This is referred to as the Pinterest North Star Metric, and it could be different for different clients. 

A North Star metric is meant to be a guide and is based on the ultimate goal of your client. 

For example, if your client wants to increase website traffic, the most important metric to follow would be Outbound Clicks. 

Of course, every Pinterest metric can give you important information on the health of an account. To increase Outbound Clicks, you also need to ensure people are seeing your content (Impressions) and are interested in it (Saves and Engagements). 

Part of your client onboarding process needs to be an in-depth conversation about what your client expects from Pinterest and their ultimate goal for their marketing. 

How Often Should You Check Pinterest Analytics? 

You do not have to check analytics every day. You can block out time once a month to go through your clients’ Pinterest Analytics. To report the stats, you could compile a report highlighting the wins and what didn’t work well, or you could record your screen and yourself analyzing the metrics and then send links to your clients to watch. 

Don’t forget to include your next steps in the report and what you’ll be focusing on for the next month. 

Do you want to reach your business goals sooner as a Pinterest Manager? The Haskin Creatives Pinterest VA course teaches you everything you need to know to start a Pinterest marketing business and earn within a month! Learn more here.

Hello, I'm Megan! 

An introvert at heart, Pinterest is the perfect platform for me. Simply posting your content using the right marketing strategies gets you an abundance of website traffic? No engagement or ‘showing up’ needed?

Who wouldn’t want to use this powerhouse of a platform …