How To Develop a Pinterest Strategy That Actually Gets Results - and What Not to Do

Develop a Pinterest Strategy that Actually Works and Learn what not to do

Do you have a Pinterest Marketing strategy that is actually working for you? Are you getting traffic, booking clients, selling products and actually making money? If not, what are you doing spending all this effort on Pinterest?! Let’s work through how to develop a strategy that actually gets results.

It’s no secret that I’m on the Pinterest platform every day working on client’s profiles and refining their strategy. What I’ve come to learn is that none of them perform the same or get the same results, even when I mimic strategies for the same niche! How crazy is that?

Sure, there are golden rules you’ll need to follow to get to Pinterest success. Things like pinning consistently every single day and uploading original content (because why would you grow a profile without getting clicks to your own products and services?) as well as doing enough keyword research. 

But how often should you pin exactly? What should the ratio be between your own content and repins? Which Tailwind Tribes are the most successful? Should you create boards that are outside of your business focus? This is were an individual strategy comes in to play and why I think one-size-fits-all Pinterest course and articles may be the reason you’re not seeing success on the platform🤭

If It’s Not Working, Change It

It can be frustrating at first but treating it like an experiment is how I like to see it. If you’re not seeing results on the platform and have implemented the “tried and tested” strategies, its time to think outside the box. If you notice a certain board or pin is doing well and driving traffic, test out more of the same pin design or create more content like this. If you’ve seen a horizontal image you pinned is going viral even though everyone told you to “only pin vertical images 1000x1500px” keep pinning the horizontal ones! 

I can’t tell you how many times I was told not to pin square images and not to link to Instagram because it was Pinterest suicide - I got the traffic and Instagram was available to be claimed through Pinterest a month later.  Do what works for you, even if it goes against what the experts say. And please, don’t keep doing the same thing if it isn’t working! 

Be Careful When Looking For Pinterest Advice

The thing about many of the Pinterest courses out there or mimicking a strategy by a high profile account or influencer is that they only have their own results to go by. And copying their strategy sure isn’t going to work for your account. I’ve had Pinterest Pro’s tell businesses to pin an 80/20 ratio of own content and repins but have had success with less of my own content - and still get the click-throughs. One wedding photographer gets the most traffic at a 90/10 ratio whereas another needs about a 50/50 and they are in the same niche!

We’re also way too focused on monthly viewers. I see it all of the time in Facebook groups “I got to 1 million monthly viewers and can help you do the same” but this does not translate to traffic. In fact, you could have 10 million monthly viewers without a single piece of your own content, not a single click-through to your website and not a single sale. If you’re buying a course or hiring a Pinterest Manager who focuses on monthly viewers, know that your business isn’t actually going to thrive off of monthly viewers🤦🏻‍♀️

How to Develop a Strategy

Listen to the pros (a pro who uses monthly viewers as marketing bait is not a pro), test it out and adjust it. Know that it’s going to take at least 3 months before you start seeing the big results - but if you’re not seeing any results, your strategy isn’t working. Don't compare your click-throughs and growth to others - content creators, service based business and products all perform very differently on Pinterest, although they all have space to be successful on this platform. Figure out what works for you!

Hello, I'm Megan! 

An introvert at heart, Pinterest is the perfect platform for me. Simply posting your content using the right marketing strategies gets you an abundance of website traffic? No engagement or ‘showing up’ needed?

Who wouldn’t want to use this powerhouse of a platform …