How To Make A Pin Go Viral On Pinterest

How To Make a Pinterest Pin Go Viral

Wondering what the secret sauce is to getting your content on Pinterest rapidly shared and repinned so that you bring in a mass amount of website traffic? A variety of factors come into play with viral Pinterest content. Often the content I see doing really well makes no sense at all. All it takes is for one big account to repin a piece of content, to get it seen by the right people, and you’ve got a top-performing pin for the next few months.

Pins last a lifetime on the Pinterest platform. This means that once a pin goes viral it’s a gift that will just keep on giving for months (even years) to come! Here’s how to increase your chance of a pin going viral on Pinterest:

Keep An Eye On Trends

Start by working with a Pinterest calendar so that you are pinning your seasonal content at the right time of year (long before a holiday or event). This gives the pins time to gain traction. Pinterest users also start pinning seasonal content far in advance - they’ve been known to start their holiday planning as early as July!

Also check to see which trending topics and ideas are applicable to your content. I’ve also started looking into trending products and ideas on TikTok as the Gen Z audience on Pinterest increases, so does their searches. You can also incorporate trending topics that Pinterest suggests in their Pinterest Trends Report.

The easiest way to go viral on Pinterest is to stay up to date with current events in your industry. If you’re into fashion writing about Taylor Swift Era’s Tour outfits a few weeks ago would have pushed your content into top searches, if there’s a new Canva feature and you’re a designer get that post out there asap! The content is already available to you, it’s just about getting it on Pinterest at the right time.

Valuable Content Performs

While this is pretty obvious, I feel that sometimes we get stuck creating content just for the sake of creating content. When we put out helpful and meaningful info, the results speak for themselves. Pinterest users want their problems solved and they love creative, inspiring ideas.

If you place your emphasis on creating valuable content for your audience and on answering the questions everyone wants to know as an expert, you’ll see your results skyrocket.

Choose Clickable Titles

Just like the hooks we use when writing Instagram captions or filming TikTok videos, the title of your pin entices users to click or share. I’m not talking about click-bait or tricking users into clicking - you’ll get flagged for spam if you mislead pinners. But a pin title is what tells the user what the content is about. Keep it short, sweet and to the point. Make sure you have an intriguing one!

Titles that work well for me and my clients on Pinterest include starting with: 5 Ways To; 3 Tips For; The Very Best Way To; The Ultimate Guide To; Want To …?; How To Easily; The Number One Tips; 5 Steps To.

Design Eye-Capturing Pins

Great design is one of the first places to start. Pinterest is a *visual* search-engine and the quickest way to help a pin perform is to have a beautiful pin. When users are scrolling through hundreds of pins, the only way to stand out it with a design that makes them stop their scroll. While pin design is my favorite part of Pinterest marketing its safe to say graphic design isn’t for everyone. I encourage you to try it out but if you’re struggling purchase some templates that you know are going to get you results without wasting valuable business time.

Expert Tip

Videos pins are the quickest way to make your content go viral at the moment. I’ve had video pins get millions of impressions and push accounts past 5 million monthly views in just a few days. If you’re not yet incorporating these into your Pinterest marketing strategy, it’s time to get started.

The best part of Pinterest is that you can still bring significant amounts of website traffic and grow a successful Pinterest profile without viral pins!

Hello, I'm Megan! 

An introvert at heart, Pinterest is the perfect platform for me. Simply posting your content using the right marketing strategies gets you an abundance of website traffic? No engagement or ‘showing up’ needed?

Who wouldn’t want to use this powerhouse of a platform …