How To Make Pinterest Work for Your Business Outside of the USA

How Pinterest work for non-US based businesses

So your business is based outside of the US of A and you’re wondering how you can reap the benefits? Despite Pinterest’s main users being based in the US there are still ways around it. Let’s remember Pinterest’s most powerful feature being that we are able to target our ideal audience using the right keywords. If your ideal clients and customers are based outside of the USA, then this is what you’ll focus your keywords on.

Here’s How:

Make your your profile business location is set. This way Pinterest will know that you’re in this area and will most likely show your content to other pinners in the same location. Go to Settings<Profile<Location.

Next, add the location keyword throughout your profile. If you’re specifically trying to only target ONE area and don’t want any traffic from the US then you’ll use the location in your business name, description, boards and pins. If I were a South African based wedding photography, I’d make sure this was all over my profile with boards on everything from “South African Brides” to “South African Wedding Venues”.

Lastly, if you’re not sure how to organically add the keyword or it doesn’t sit well in your sentence - use a #location.

You’re bound to get some traffic from the United States and if these users are repinning your content - Great! This will show Pinterest your content is worth repinning and you’ll get shown to a larger audience. It might even convince you to take your business abroad!

P.s. These tips would work for ANY location specific business, even within the USA. If you’re wanting to target only one area, state or city - these tips are for you, too.

Hello, I'm Megan!

An introvert at heart, Pinterest is the perfect platform for me. Simply posting your content using the right marketing strategies gets you an abundance of website traffic? No engagement or ‘showing up’ needed? 

Who wouldn’t want to use this powerhouse of a platform …