How To Rank High for Keyword Searches on Pinterest

Rank High in Keyword Searches on Pinterest

Wondering how to make sure your pins and content ranks high on Pinterest for the keywords related to your business?

While you may be getting a decent amount of click-throughs on Pinterest from using strategies like Tailwind Tribes and Group Boards, ranking high on searches should be your number one goal.

Why? Because it means people who are actively searching for your content and product topics in the search bar on Pinterest want it now. They have a problem that you can solve and once you get them to your site leading with value, you’re more likely to convert them.

Ranking high also means your traffic gets a major boost. Just as on Google Searches you don’t shift through the millions of results or pages but rather stick to the top, Pinterest users are alike.

Here’s how I get my clients to rank high on their most wanted keywords:

Figure out the keywords

Before you can begin implementing strategy, think about what your business is generally about and what would someone type into a search bar to find it.

Usually these are VERY general. For me, it might be “Pinterest Manager” or “Pinterest Tips”. How would you describe your business and how you serve people? This is what you want to rank high in.

Do additional keyword research

Use the search bar on Pinterest itself to see which kinds of pins, topics and content is ranking for the keywords you’d like to use.

Often this process also helps me to widen my keyword list and see what users are actively searching for on Pinterest aligned with my business.

Use the keywords throughout your profile

If you’re a Pinterest Manager like me and you’d like to rank high for this search on Pinterest, you’re going to want to make sure these words are EVERYWHERE.

We do this so Pinterest will begin associating this keyword with your account. Your main keyword should be in the following places:

  1. In your business profile name - Megan Haskin | Pinterest Manager + Pinterest Marketing Tips

  2. In your profile description (along with other keywords you want to rank in)

  3. Create as many boards as you can with this keyword

  4. Have this keyword in ALL board descriptions (even in boards that aren’t directly related to the topic) Example: I place “Haskin Creatives Pinterest Manager” at the end of all my board descriptions

  5. Use it in a hashtag form in all board descriptions

  6. Place it in every pin description associated with your business along with the hashtag

  7. In your pin image metadata - yes, this contributes to keyword SEO!

While very broad topics like “fashion” may already have a high competition for keyword ranking you can choose to refine it more to rank. I don’t choose to rank in “pinterest” but rather make it more specific so I’m attracting the right audience.

Being consistent with using the keyword is key throughout your profile is the key here!

Hello, I’m Megan!

An introvert at heart, Pinterest is the perfect platform for me. Simply posting your content using the right marketing strategies gets you an abundance of website traffic? No engagement or ‘showing up’ needed?

Who wouldn’t want to use this powerhouse of a platform …