5 Steps to a Successful Booked Out Business

Learn how I booked out my service-based online business in under 6 months | Haskin Creatives Pinterest Manager

Want to learn my exact process to booking out my business in under 6 months? I’m sharing my top five tips that allow you to work with dream clients and grow a successful service-based business!

Daily Mindset Work

This is so underrated but so essential to booking out your business. I enjoy journaling and affirmations to reprogram my subconscious mind into believing I already am a successful business owner with xyz amounts of clients.

Sounds crazy, right? But I literally would say this to myself daily! If you believe you can, you’ll start acting in alignment and make it happen.

Audit your pricing

While I don’t like the blanket statement that everyone needs to increase their rates, do make sure you are charging what you’re worth. This means looking at the norm for the industry if you’re just starting out and increasing your pricing if you’ve had some experience and deliver great results.

This way, you’ll be able to take on less clients but earn more - your quality of work will improve, the results and most likely you’ll get to work with a different type of client that is easier to work with!

Get Really Good at what you offer

Learn something new every single day to improve your services: Podcasts, books, YouTube videos and Facebook Groups are all free. If you deliver amazing results for your clients, you won’t even need to market yourself because they’ll be so happy with your work they’ll market it for you!

The results will show for themselves and get you more work than you can imagine.

Authenticity and Experience

Showing up as your authentic self, being honest and speaking from your own experience goes a loooong way. I see it too often that business owners simply regurgitate information without any real experience to back it up. Talking from experience gives you that expert feel and helps your potential clients trust you.

New to the industry without any experience? Practice on your own business or take on a trial client to gain some.

Customer Experience

This is often overlooked but so powerful! Focusing on your current clients, the ones already buying from you, means they’ll stick around and share with others their amazing experience. Going the extra mile with your work, keeping communication open and providing that personal touch has made all the difference in my business and its something my clients always comment on.

Hello, I'm Megan! 

An introvert at heart, Pinterest is the perfect platform for me. Simply posting your content using the right marketing strategies gets you an abundance of website traffic? No engagement or ‘showing up’ needed?

Who wouldn’t want to use this powerhouse of a platform …