Your Checklist To Become A Pinterest VA

Checklist To Become A Pinterest VA

Are you looking for online business ideas? Tired of the 9 to 5 grind and dream of working from home according to your own schedule? You’re not alone! Over the past few years, starting at-home businesses has become increasingly popular, with people seeing all of the opportunities out there. 

Starting an online business has a host of benefits, including low start-up costs (all you really need is a reliable internet connection, and funds for courses and a few subscriptions), the ability to work with people all around the world, and the flexibility of a freedom-based lifestyle. 

One of the best businesses to start, according to Forbes, is one focused on digital marketing, “Many businesses are shifting to digital platforms, increasing the need for digital marketing services. Initial costs are low, but a solid understanding of digital marketing strategies is essential. Earnings are typically based on client retainers and project fees.”

Forbes also states that virtual assistants are in high demand. 

Pinterest – with its almost 500 million users – is an amazing marketing niche for an online business. A Pinterest VA is a legit work-from-home job that can go far beyond just replacing a 9 to 5 salary. My Pinterest marketing business, Haskin Creatives, earns more than $30k every single month.

Here’s your checklist to becoming a Pinterest virtual assistant

Take a Pinterest VA Course

You may have your own Pinterest profile where you explore ideas and products, but there are many differences between a Pinterest personal account and a Pinterest business account. 

You’ve got to be able to answer the question, “Why is Pinterest important?”. If you want to work as a Pinterest VA, it’s essential that you know how Pinterest marketing works. 

To learn how to use Pinterest business, you need to have an understanding of the Pinterest algorithm, how Pinterest SEO works, and best practices to achieve the marketing goals of your clients. 

You can get a lot of this information through free resources (like this blog!), but it is important that you learn your skills from a person who created their own successful Pinterest business. 

Through the Haskin Creatives Pinterest VA course, get my tried-and-true blueprint to skyrocket your success as a beginner Pinterest virtual assistant. This program explains exactly how I created a successful Pinterest marketing business. 

Do Mindset Work 

Starting a business isn’t just about sticking to a strategy. In order to have a successful Pinterest business, doing mindset work is key. You’ve got to shift from a fixed mindset and unravel beliefs that may hold you back. 

Some mindset practices I did as a new Pinterest manager include:

  • Setting short- and long-term goals

  • Journaling (you can find amazing journal prompts on Pinterest)

  • Visualizing my dream life

  • Creating affirmations 

Find more of my mindset practices for success here.

Create A Business And Marketing Plan

Your business plan is your roadmap to achieving your goals. This plan needs to include findings from your research, who your ideal client is, your unique selling points, services, and how you’re going to market your business.

One of the most common ways to get your name out there and promote your services is through social media. While Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook can be fantastic marketing channels, they’re not the only options. 

Networking, SEO (including blogging), email marketing, and referrals are all effective ways to market your business. 

Tip: Practice Pinterest business marketing with your own account! Create your website and begin blogging, then promote these blogs on Pinterest. This will give you the opportunity to try out different Pinterest business strategies and track Pinterest business analytics.  

Create Pinterest VA Packages 

There are different Pinterest services to include in packages:

  • Pinterest account audits

  • Pinterest business account creation

  • Creating Pinterest boards 

  • Creating pins with keyword-rich descriptions

  • Design pin templates 

  • Pinterest ads

  • Analytics reports 

  • Strategy discussions

For example, you could have two or three packages, varying in services. Your highest level would include everything, while your lowest would be just maintenance and pinning a few new pins a month.  

Start Finding Pinterest VA Jobs 

Now that you’ve established your Pinterest VA business, how do you find freelance work? Besides following your marketing plan, you can:

  • Cold email 

  • Make profiles on freelance job sites

  • Join Facebook groups

I go in-depth into ways to find Pinterest VA jobs here. 

Offering Pinterest business support by becoming a VA is a legitimate way to make your entrepreneur dreams come true as it taps into two growing industries: Digital marketing and virtual assisting. Start following the above checklist and make progress toward your goals now!

Hello, I'm Megan! 

An introvert at heart, Pinterest is the perfect platform for me. Simply posting your content using the right marketing strategies gets you an abundance of website traffic? No engagement or ‘showing up’ needed?

Who wouldn’t want to use this powerhouse of a platform …