Pinterest Management Services To Offer In your Online Business

Pinterest Management Services To Offer

Are you thinking about becoming a Pinterest manager, or are you currently a virtual assistant who wants to offer Pinterest services? Then this is the blog for you! Pinterest marketing is an amazing niche to focus on in an online business! Let’s dive into the different Pinterest services you can add to your business. 

But first…

Pinterest Virtual Assistant Vs Pinterest Manager

These terms are often used interchangeably. A Pinterest virtual assistant does Pinterest tasks for a business for a period of time either exclusively or as part of their broader VA service packages. 

Pinterest managers specialize solely in Pinterest, sometimes have more experience, and may need to take on more responsibilities, including Pinterest strategy. 

You can choose whether you want to only work on Pinterest, or want a broader VA business in which Pinterest is just a part. 

How Do You Become A Pinterest Virtual Assistant? 

Get Pinterest Virtual Assistant Training 

You can do this by consuming information from Pinterest managers (like this blog!), watching YouTube videos about what Pinterest business support entails, and taking a Pinterest virtual assistant course. 

The Haskin Creatives online course will teach you how to become a Pinterest manager and earn within a month! I’ve grown my own Pinterest business, so you’ll get my exact blueprint on how to skyrocket your success and you’ll learn how I get Pinterest clients. Find out more about the program here.

Learn How Pinterest Works 

To be a successful Pinterest VA, you need to know Pinterest for business best practices, including:

The Pinterest Algorithm

Working with the Pinterest algorithm is the key to ensuring you reach your clients’ marketing goals. The algorithm is a formula that’s created to show users the most relevant and engaging content based on their interests. Factors that influence the algorithm include the quality of the pin design, keywords used, whether the pin is aligned with any Pinterest trends, engagement, and how often you pin. 

Pinterest SEO 

Pinterest is not a social media platform – it’s a search engine. So, search engine optimization (SEO) is important for success on Pinterest. As a Pinterest VA, it’s essential that you know how to conduct keyword research for your clients so that you can work with the algorithm and get your pins found. 

Pinterest Pin Designs

Although SEO plays a huge role in Pinterest marketing, it is a visual platform – your pin designs need to grab your ideal audience’s attention. Always use high-quality images and videos. 

Define Your Goals And Ideal Clients

Get clear on your business goals as a Pinterest VA to make sure you’re moving in the right direction. “Goals also help align your focus and promote a sense of self-mastery. In the end, you can’t manage what you don’t measure and you can’t improve upon something that you don’t properly manage. Setting goals can help you do all of that and more,” explains Positive Psychology

Part of setting goals and creating a business plan is to define what kind of businesses you want to work with. It’s important that this ideal client is aligned with businesses that thrive on Pinterest. 

Some of the top niches on Pinterest include:

  • Home decor and interior design

  • Beauty, skincare, and make-up

  • DIY and crafts 

  • Food, drink, and recipes

  • Travel

  • Weddings 

  • Gardening 

  • Fashion

  • Health 

Once you know the ins and outs of the platform and have an understanding of the businesses you want to work with, you can put together Pinterest virtual assistant packages:

Pinterest Marketing Services You Can Offer As A Pinterest VA

Here are 6 services you can offer clients in your Pinterest business:

Pinterest Account Audits

This involves analyzing a client’s Pinterest business account to see what needs to change to make it aligned with Pinterest best practices. 

Pinterest Business Account Setup 

If a client is starting Pinterest from scratch, they would need to set up a Pinterest business profile. With this service, you’d need to research your client’s brand and create their Pinterest bio, link their website, create boards, and do keyword research

Pinterest Strategy 

A strategy is a Pinterest marketing plan for your client. This needs to be aligned with their goals, like increased website clicks, and involves what content needs to be pinned and how often.   

Creating Pins, Including Design And Keyword Research

If a client already has pin design templates, you can use those, or you can include an add-on service for creating pin designs. Pins can also include your client’s repurposed Instagram Reels or TikToks. 

An important part of creating pins is writing descriptions, which need to include keywords. 

Monthly Account Management And Analytics Reports 

Every month you’d dive into your client’s account to see what content is working and gaining traction, and what content isn’t. Pinterest Analytics will list the impressions, total audience, engaged audience, pin clicks, and engagement, and it will be up to you to interpret this data and compile reports for your clients. 

VIP Days And Coaching

A VIP day involves spending a limited amount of time with a client deep diving into their Pinterest account to see what needs to be amended and how they can move forward. 

This service would be for business owners who want to include Pinterest in their marketing plan but want to do it themselves. 

As a Pinterest expert, you’d give them strategy advice on how they can use Pinterest for their business goals.  

Once you’ve established your services, it’s time to find clients

A Pinterest VA business can be incredibly rewarding and an amazing way to work online and enjoy a freedom-based lifestyle! Follow the above list and start putting your Pinterest business plan together.

Hello, I'm Megan! 

An introvert at heart, Pinterest is the perfect platform for me. Simply posting your content using the right marketing strategies gets you an abundance of website traffic? No engagement or ‘showing up’ needed?

Who wouldn’t want to use this powerhouse of a platform …