How Content Creators Can Double Their Income Using Pinterest

How to make more money using Pinterest as a content creator or affiliate marketer

If you’re a content creator wanting to increase your affiliate sales, get more eyes on your sponsored offers and make more money I don’t believe there’s anything more effective than Pinterest Marketing.vOnce you have the right strategy in place, you’ll gain access to Pinterest users who are actively looking to buy right at this moment. Because Pinterest relies heavily on keyword SEO, Pinterest users don’t have to follow you or even know you exist to find your content and make purchases. Similarly, they are primed to click-through to outside sites. You don’t need to convince them to click to your Amazon storefront or LTK like you do on social media - they already want what you have and they’ve actively sought it out.

I manage multiple content creator Pinterest accounts who have between 500k-2 million Instagram and TikTok followers, and Pinterest will overtake their click-throughs and sales numbers within just a few short months. Pinterest is powerful! Let’s dive into what Pinterest Marketing strategy you need to have in place to use this platform to your advantage:

Set Up Your Pinterest Profile and Optimise It

Setting a good foundation for successful Pinterest Marketing is one that often gets overlook. Besides the basics of having a business account with a profile photo, cover image and profile name - you’ll need to make sure your account is set up in line with your keyword research (more on this below). 

You’ll only need around 10 boards to start but make sure each has a keyword-focused description, and while other ‘Pinterest experts’ will tell you to start pinning right away I don’t suggest pinning other creators content to your boards. Leave them empty until you’re ready to start posting and scheduling your own, original content.

Do Your Pinterest Keyword Research

Keywords are arguably the most important aspect of Pinterest Marketing. It is how your content gets found and essentially is what tells Pinterest what your pins are about and who it should be shown to. If you want to matched with users who are actively interested in what you’re selling, you need the right keywords throughout your profile and pin descriptions to do so.

Keyword research is done on the Pinterest platform itself. Start by typing words related to your niche in the Pinterest search bar and keywords will automatically populate - these are the most popular searched terms and what you want to be using in your board titles, board descriptions and pin descriptions. If you are looking to dive even deeper into keyword research using the keyword tool within Pinterest Ads campaign setup is really accurate and shows you search volumes. I find it a more strategic approach to keyword research because you can easily identify the terms being searched the most. I personally use a combination of keywords found on the public Pinterest search bar and within the ads campaign set up. Note: you don’t actually have to set up an ad campaign to get access to this feature.

When using these keyword in board or pin descriptions or even your pin titles, please don’t ‘keyword stack’. Keyword stacking is essentially just listing out the keywords as your description and goes against Pinterest’s best practices. Pinterest wants their platform to provide a great user experience and I wouldn’t want to read through a whole bunch of random words before deciding to click on something. You’ll want to use the keywords in thought out sentences that make sense to your audience and use the total 500 characters. We don’t use hashtags on Pinterest so stay away from these.

Start Pinning Your Content

Pinterest is a platform that likes consistency so you want to schedule daily content. This could simply be an Instagram Reel or TikTok video you’ve posted or you could create a Canva design that features a collection of products that links to your Amazon storefront. Scheduling your content directly through the built in Pinterest scheduling tool is your best bet. You’ll find lots of recommendations for scheduling through the Tailwind App and while I used it successfully for many years, you simply cannot schedule video content through it and every one of my clients performed significantly better after I stopped using it (sorry, Tailwind). It makes sense that scheduling directly through the Pinterest platform would do better because they are one and the same.

Depending on the amount of content and links you have to work with weekly, you can take your daily pin amounts up to 5 or 10 times daily. But if you’re new to this starting off with one pin per day is sufficient for getting great results! Tracking your progress and taking note of which pins perform best is almost as important as using the right keywords on Pinterest. If you see a certain kind of content (your style outfits ideas for example) performs significantly better than your other, you’ll obviously want to pin more of that. If you notice all of your video content performs better than Canva designed graphics, create more video! It’s quite simple once you get the hang of it.

Things To Remember When Repurposing Content

I’m assuming that most of your content is currently video focused: Instagram Reels, TikTok videos and YouTube Shorts. While this type of content performs very well on the Pinterest platform and can definitely be repurposed, make sure you redirect the link to an affiliate product and write a keyword-rich description. Do not repurpose it completely - you don’t want it linking to Instagram or TikTok and you don’t want the same description.

Do You Need A Website Or Blog?

After six years of marketing businesses on Pinterest, up until a few months ago I would have said having your own website or blog was essential to be successful on Pinterest. You might hear the same ‘Pinterest experts’ say the same thing about the claimed website (the website you own) links outperforming outsider links like Amazon, LTK, Etsy, etc. However, this has definitely changed recently and I’m seeing all of my affiliate content creators (and myself who owns an Etsy store) get significant clicks and sales through these links when used on Pinterest. It used to be that these links simply wouldn’t be pushed by Pinterest and you wouldn’t get enough eyes on them, but we now seeing them have equal ranking to claimed website links.

Pinterest Loves Fresh, New Content

Speaking of links on Pinterest, this platform is all about new links and URLs. It makes sense that Pinterest doesn’t want to simply show the same content to their users over and over again, it gets kind of spammy when Pinterest creators repurpose the same few links over and over again. We want to see something different! This works perfectly if you consistently add new products to your Amazon Storefront, LTK or get new sponsored products on the regular. If the link hasn’t been used on Pinterest before, it’s likely that it will get more reach and perform better than content where you repurpose a link.

Note that it is okay to reuse some link again but put some time between pinning the same URL. If you promoted a certain product or link this week, wait a few weeks before pinning to it again. Ideally, the recommended wait time is three months, but you could get away with doing it slightly earlier if you don’t have many links to work with initially.

What Kind Of Results Can I Expect From Pinterest?

My clients are always pleasantly surprised with what Pinterest can do for them. If you’re already seeing success on platform likes Instagram, TikTok or YouTube it’s highly likely that your content is going to translate well on the Pinterest platform. You can expect to see an increase in clicks to your offers, products and affiliate links and ultimately sales as well. While there is never a guarantee on how well your content will perform, if you have a solid strategy in place like my clients do, you can expect anything between 10k-50k click-throughs to your links with the first six months of consistent marketing on Pinterest.

The best part? It’s fairly hands-off and you only need to spend an hour or two weekly on scheduling everything. You’re also able to completely hand over Pinterest to an expert and not do any additional work but see the results come in for effort you already put in on other platforms. Pinterest is something so many content creators are seriously undervaluing. 

Hello, I'm Megan! 

An introvert at heart, Pinterest is the perfect platform for me. Simply posting your content using the right marketing strategies gets you an abundance of website traffic? No engagement or ‘showing up’ needed?

Who wouldn’t want to use this powerhouse of a platform …