How To Build A Brand As A Pinterest Virtual Assistant

How To Build A Brand As A Pinterest VA

Having your own business as a Pinterest virtual assistant is about so much more than just deciding on your Pinterest marketing services and packages and putting them on your website. You need to market yourself! And, a key part of a successful marketing strategy is having a distinctive brand. 

But, how do you build a brand identity for your new Pinterest VA business? What is a personal brand and what do you need to create one? In this blog, we’ll go through these questions and more to help you grow a successful Pinterest business

What Is A Personal Brand? 

Creating a personal brand is taking your reputation into your own hands – it’s your way of being intentional with how people see you. “It is how you want people to see you…your personal brand is about visibility and the values that you outwardly represent,” explains Harvard Business Review

To build a successful personal brand, it’s important to align your actions with the way you want people to perceive you. 

How Do You Build A Brand Identity? 

Get out your journal and become clear on these four topics to create a brand as a Pinterest VA:

Your Values 

These are the beliefs and principles that are important to you and that you want to feature prominently in your life and business. 

It’s really simple to find out what your values are. Simply go on Pinterest and search ‘Values List’. You’ll get a bunch of pins listing values to choose from. You can then print it out and using a highlighter or pen, go through the list and mark off the values that jump out at you. 

Once you’ve got your list of values, narrow it down to three to five values that you want to weave throughout your business. 

What You Want To Be Known For

When deciding this, it’s helpful to think about what kind of service you appreciate from other businesses. Warm personality, timely responses, and going above and beyond are some examples of what many people enjoy when interacting with businesses. 

Once you’ve got this list, think about how you’re going to put this forward when interacting with people. So, if you want your organizational skills to shine through, you’ll want to have checklists and clear systems in place to ensure you’re easily able to stay on top of things in your business. 

Your Niche / Who You Want To Work With 

“Your aim should never be to try and please everyone with your brand. It's a waste of your energy and resources. Instead, focus your efforts on defining your niche and working to appeal to your particular audience,” advises Entrepreneur

When deciding your niche for your Pinterest business, think about the industries that you enjoy and are passionate about. Also, research the niches and topics that do well on Pinterest. 

For example, you’re passionate about living a healthy lifestyle. Niches around this topic that benefit from Pinterest marketing include fitness and food. So, the clients that you may focus on could include online fitness coaches, food bloggers, and wellness coaches.   

Likes And Dislikes

Your likes can align with your values and what you want to be known for, as well as more aesthetic things like design styles and color combinations. Also, think about the feelings you want to portray – this will help inform your brand element choices. 

Your dislikes are also important, as this will refine your brand personality and who you want to work with. 

Important: Authenticity is important, so when answering these questions, be honest with yourself. Don’t be fake – people will see through it. Be true to yourself and your personality. 

Create Your Own Marketing Strategy 

You need to have a marketing strategy for your Pinterest business. Here are the steps to take:

  • Create a content calendar. 

  • Define your themes (what you’re going to talk about through your content).

  • Choose your platforms.

  • Create your posts with your brand elements and personal brand voice, and schedule them.

  • Track your results. 

  • Remain consistent! 

Your marketing strategy should get your business out there and connect you with your ideal clients. Besides posting blogs and on social media, you can also send cold emails (remember to personalize them!). 

Find ways to connect with potential clients as a new Pinterest VA here

Being intentional with your brand as a Pinterest VA will make marketing your business and connecting with your ideal clients a lot simpler. Take some time to create a brand identity for your Pinterest business!

Collapse time around starting a successful business by taking the Haskin Creatives online Pinterest manager course. You’ll get the blueprint that helped me create a Pinterest marketing business that now earns $30k every single month. Sign up here

Hello, I'm Megan! 

An introvert at heart, Pinterest is the perfect platform for me. Simply posting your content using the right marketing strategies gets you an abundance of website traffic? No engagement or ‘showing up’ needed?

Who wouldn’t want to use this powerhouse of a platform …