Common Challenges New Pinterest VAs Face & How To Overcome Them

5 Common Challenges New Pinterest VAs Face

Pinterest is a growing search engine; this means that it’s still an amazing opportunity for people who want to start their own marketing businesses. While using the platform for vision boards is great, Pinterest is perfectly poised for e-commerce – according to Sprout Social, one-third of Pinterest’s users have an annual income of over $100,000 and they’re ready to buy products they see on the platform. 

With this in mind (and the fact that Pinterest sees a 7.5% year-over-year growth), Pinterest is a profitable marketing and virtual assistant niche to consider when starting your own online business. You can replace your income and leave your 9 to 5 as a Pinterest virtual assistant. However, there are a few challenges that many new Pinterest VAs trip over at the beginning of their business journey. In this blog, I’ll dive into the pitfalls you need to watch out for, and how to overcome common challenges. 

Can You Really Make Money As A Pinterest Virtual Assistant?

Yes! And I’m proof of this. I started my Pinterest business years ago as a way to supplement my income as a teacher. Fast forward and now I have a six-figure, full-time business!

I’ve created a course to help new Pinterest VAs find success quickly. Get my tried-and-true blueprint to skyrocket your success as a beginner Pinterest Manager. Find out exactly how I created a successful Pinterest Marketing business that now earns more than $30k every single month. Sign up here

Top 5 Hurdles New Pinterest VAs Encounter

Not Understanding Pinterest SEO 

Pinterest is not just about posting pretty images; it’s essential that you understand how the Pinterest algorithm works in order to be successful as a Pinterest VA

SEO stands for search engine optimization and relies on keywords. “It involves optimizing your Pinterest content, like Pins and boards, using keywords and high-quality images, along with optimizing your profile,” explains SEM Rush

Do keyword research for your Pinterest clients to ensure that their pins get discovered. 

Not Having A Content Calendar And Posting Consistently 

Pinterest thrives on new content. Make sure you’re posting consistently for your clients by creating a content calendar and scheduling your pins ahead of time. 

But, what content can you use on Pinterest? There are so many options! You can repurpose Instagram Reels and TikToks, create pins from blog content, items for sale on websites can be pins, and use podcast links as pins. 

Not Analyzing Pinterest Analytics

Pinterest metrics tell you how your content is performing. Pinterest Business explains, “Pinterest Analytics helps you understand your overall presence on Pinterest. It shows you what paid and organic published content resonates most on Pinterest. The insights you get from Pinterest Analytics can help you make better decisions and customize your content.”

Dive into your clients’ Pinterest analytics monthly to see what pins are gaining the most traction to see the type of content you should be posting more.  

Not Learning Communication Skills 

Pinterest VA client management is a huge part of having your own business. To manage expectations and understand what clients are looking for with your services, it’s important to listen and communicate effectively. 

Being able to listen actively and express yourself professionally will lead to less confusion and misunderstandings. 

Not Staying Organized

When juggling multiple Pinterest clients as well as your own business, it’s essential to develop your organizational skills

Ensure all of your documents are filed in the cloud through Google Drive, or something similar. Also, have a system in place detailing your client journey, including the way you create pins, write pin descriptions, get approvals, upload pins on Pinterest, and create reports for your clients. 

To stay organized in your Pinterest business, Forbes suggests:

  • Use your online calendar and update it regularly to stay on track and manage your time

  • Take notes during meetings using pen and paper (old school, but this may help you retain information better). 

  • Devote certain days to specific activities (for example, Mondays are meeting days). 

  • Send emails or messages to yourself when you think of something while out and about.

As with any business venture, becoming a Pinterest virtual assistant comes with challenges. Remember, don’t quit when you make a mistake or it becomes difficult! Take a breath and view each challenge as a learning opportunity. With persistence, creativity, and flexibility, you can turn these obstacles into stepping stones toward a successful career. For more in-depth guidance and support, sign up for the Haskin Creatives course and join a community of like-minded professionals on the path to Pinterest success.

Hello, I'm Megan! 

An introvert at heart, Pinterest is the perfect platform for me. Simply posting your content using the right marketing strategies gets you an abundance of website traffic? No engagement or ‘showing up’ needed?

Who wouldn’t want to use this powerhouse of a platform …