How To Do Pinterest Keyword Research

How To Do Pinterest Keyword Research

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when it comes to Pinterest marketing is not creating a Pinterest keywords list. If you’re using Pinterest for business, it is essential that you create pins that your ideal audience will find. So, how do you make your pins pop up in the search results? Keywords! 

Your guide to creating viral pins

Why Are Keywords For Pinterest Important? 

Keywords play a vital role in a Pinterest strategy. While Pinterest is a very visual platform and you need to design scroll-stopping pins to be successful on the platform, in order for your content to show up, you’ve got to pay attention to what your ideal audience is putting in the Pinterest search bar. 

“Optimizing your Pinterest with relevant keywords is key for increasing your reach on Pinterest (getting found by your ideal client),” explains the Pinterest Business Community

For example, if you’re a florist focusing on weddings, you’re going to want to find out how brides are searching for wedding inspiration on Pinterest – what keywords are being used that are aligned with your business? 

Don't assume you've got the best Pinterest keywords after optimizing your website's SEO. Pinterest users frequently search for specific keywords, requiring you to leverage the platform directly to customize your profile for your target audience. You’ve got to use a specific Pinterest keywords finder. 

How To Find Pinterest Keywords

Here are four Pinterest keyword tools to incorporate in your marketing strategy:

Pinterest Trends

Under the Pinterest Analytics dropdown, you’ll find Pinterest Trends. You can filter for seasonal, monthly, yearly, and growing trends, as well as interests, keywords, age, and gender. So, this is a great way to find out what your specific target audience is looking for. 

Pinterest Search Bar 

In the Pinterest search bar, once you’ve typed in a keyword you’ll find a dropdown of different variations that are popular on the platform. 

Tip: Get out the piece of content that you’re creating a pin for and highlight the keywords used. Let’s stick with the wedding florist example. Standout keywords could include wedding florals, centerpieces, bouquets, and wedding flower arrangements. Take these keywords and type them in the search bar to see what variations of these keywords you should include in your pin’s description. 

High Performing Pins 

Search a keyword in your niche to find the top-performing pins for inspiration. Look through the pin descriptions to see what keywords were used. Do not copy the description, rather see what keywords you can incorporate into your own original descriptions.  

Important To Note: Remember, Pinterest pins last for years. So, you may come across top-performing pins with a short description and hashtags. This does not mean you should do the same. This pin just became popular through previous Pinterest best practices. 

Keyword Research Tool

While you can find fantastic keywords on the platform itself, it may be worth it for you to incorporate an outside keyword research tool if you also do keyword research for your other business platforms. 

Keywords Everywhere, Keysearch, and SEMRush also provide you with keyword search volume. 

Find more Pinterest tools for smoother marketing

What NOT To Do With Keywords On Pinterest 

Don’t stumble into these pitfalls when doing your Pinterest keyword research: 

Keyword Stuff

“Keyword stuffing is the practice of writing low-quality content with a higher-than-average frequency of the same keyword. The purpose of keyword stuffing is to trick search engines, i.e. Google, to rank your page higher in the search engine results pages. This black-hat tactic no longer works,” tells Hubspot

While the call to just load keywords into your pin description may be enticing, don’t do it. You’ve got to ensure that you keep user experience in mind. This means that your pin description actually has to be readable! 

Use Hashtags

While hashtags are still the way to go when it comes to Instagram and Facebook marketing, it’s not so with Pinterest. Hashtags used to be beneficial, this is no longer the case and is seen as an outdated Pinterest strategy

Instead, incorporate Pinterest keywords into well-structured sentences in your pin descriptions. 

Use Unaligned Trends

When you visit Pinterest Trends, you’ll find a bunch of growing crazes on the platform that are not aligned with your business. Don’t try and capitalize on these keywords when they have nothing to do with your business as this creates an unfavourable user experience. During the Fall season, trends such as Fall meals and Fall outfits will be popular on Pinterest. If your business has nothing to do with this, don’t use these keywords. Focus on what matches your content instead of the big trends. 

Here are more Pinterest mistakes to avoid

Give your beautiful pins the best chance possible to get in front of your ideal audience by incorporating keywords into your pin descriptions. Do your keyword research, create a keyword list, and write well-structured sentences around these keywords to create pins that your audience is excited to click on.

Hello, I'm Megan! 

An introvert at heart, Pinterest is the perfect platform for me. Simply posting your content using the right marketing strategies gets you an abundance of website traffic? No engagement or ‘showing up’ needed?

Who wouldn’t want to use this powerhouse of a platform …