Time Management Tips For Pinterest Virtual Assistants

Pinterest VA Time Management Tips

Balancing a virtual assistant business and Pinterest VA jobs along with your 9 to 5 and personal life can be a challenge! You can do the very best Pinterest manager course and read a bunch of Pinterest business blogs, but if you don’t have organization and time management skills, you’re not going to reach your business goals.

Why Are Time Management Skills Important? 

There’s a lot to do as a new Pinterest VA, including:

Pinterest Manager Training 

To become a Pinterest business manager, you’ve got to do some training to understand how the platform works. It’s important to go in-depth on how the Pinterest algorithm works, the role of SEO in Pinterest business, put together Pinterest VA packages, and more. 

Sign up for the Haskin Creatives Pinterest VA course to get my tried-and-true blueprint to skyrocket your success as a beginner Pinterest Manager. You’ll learn exactly how I created a successful Pinterest Marketing business that now earns more than $30k every single month so that you can collapse time around achieving your goals.

Mindset Work 

Learning about Pinterest strategies is just one part of starting a business. Don’t underestimate the power of working on your mindset! Developing a growth mindset will help you go far in business. Forbes explains, “A growth mindset is a belief that your efforts and those of other people will lead to success in business…A growth mindset encourages you to overcome obstacles and view setbacks as opportunities.” This is key, as there are many highs and lows in entrepreneurship.

It was my daily mindset work that laid the foundation for me to build my six-figure business as a Pinterest manager. 

Business Marketing 

To grow your business, you’ve got to market it. This can involve creating a website and writing blogs as well as posting on social media

Creating a content calendar and marketing your skills as a new Pinterest VA takes time and effort. 

Finding Clients

To find Pinterest VA jobs, you can:

  • Send cold emails

  • Join Facebook groups

  • Make profiles on job sites

  • Get referred

I go in-depth on how to land clients here.  

And all of this is just for your Pinterest VA business! You’ve got to fit this in between your full-time job, family time, personal time, and daily chores. 

To achieve this, time management skills are essential. When you can manage your time well, you’re more productive and can achieve more in less time. 

“With better-managed time, we can satisfy all our responsibilities, work demands, and goals. Most importantly, we reduce the risk of feeling overwhelmed by stress, feeling like a failure, and other poor psychological wellbeing issues,” says Positive Psychology

The first step in managing your time efficiently is getting organized! 

Is your desktop full of files? Do you need a digital filing system for your docs? In your Google Drive, create folders for different aspects of your business, such as Clients, Finances, Marketing, Course Content / Education, etc., and move your files to the corresponding folder. 

When everything is organized, managing your time is simpler because you know where to find everything you need. 

5 Time Management Techniques And Tools For Pinterest VAs

Google Calendar 

It’s easy to sign up for a course, webinar, or online training – it’s an entirely different matter to actually show up for it! Make sure to diarize your coursework in Google Calendar to ensure that you finish the tasks. 

Also, add all of your deadlines into your Google Calendar so that things don’t catch you unawares. 

You can use your online calendar for time blocking, too.

Time Block

“Sometimes referred to as ‘monotasking’ or ‘time chunking,’ time blocking is a time management technique where you block off a period of time to complete a particular task,” explains Verywell Mind

For example, set two hours a week to focus on getting VA clients through cold emailing and responding to questions on Facebook groups. Then, block out a few hours to write blogs for your website. Doing this will help to ensure that nothing falls through the cracks. 

Use Apps 

There are plenty of apps that help entrepreneurs stay on track and on top of deadlines. 

Business.com suggests Trello, Harvest, and Wunderlist to manage to-do lists, track time, and stay organized. 

There are also apps for the Pomodoro Technique that times you to work for 25 minutes or 50 minutes, and then a five- or 10-minute break. You can also simply go on YouTube – there are plenty of channels that have this timer. 

Create A Productive Workspace 

Where you work has an impact on your productivity, helping you stick to your schedule. 

Upgrade your lighting, invest in a pair of quality headphones, get an essential oil diffuser, and sit in a super comfy chair. 

Make Space For Downtime 

You have a lot of goals and want to grow your business as fast as possible! But, working constantly isn’t actually effective in the long run. Why? Because burnout can hold you back and even cause you to give up on your dreams. 

When you manage your time effectively, you’re able to create space for downtime. Schedule self-care days, movie nights, and brunch with friends – activities that help you take a break from work and replenish your energy. 

When you’re well-rested, you can show up to your work and business with more creativity and energy to get things done. 

Time management is a necessary soft skill for Pinterest VAs. Don’t worry if being organized doesn’t come naturally to you. Start small by getting your files organized and writing out to-do lists. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how this will help reduce your stress while getting more stuff done!

Hello, I'm Megan! 

An introvert at heart, Pinterest is the perfect platform for me. Simply posting your content using the right marketing strategies gets you an abundance of website traffic? No engagement or ‘showing up’ needed?

Who wouldn’t want to use this powerhouse of a platform …