5 Mistakes To Avoid When Becoming A Pinterest Virtual Assistant

Mistakes To Avoid When Starting A Pinterest Business

You’ve decided that you want to become a Pinterest virtual assistant, and you’re excited to get your business up and running as soon as possible so that you can quit your 9 to 5 and work from home. Amazing! But, while you’re setting up your Pinterest business, there are a few mistakes you need to avoid. Not making these mistakes will help you get clients quicker and grow your VA business faster. 

Mistake 1: Not Understanding Pinterest SEO and the Algorithm 

It’s vital to know exactly how Pinterest works so that you’re able to provide the best possible service to your clients. 

Pinterest is not a social media platform – it’s a search engine. Therefore, you need to pay attention to search engine optimization (SEO) via keywords. 

The Pinterest algorithm considers how relevant a pin is to the search query or interests of pinners. Pinterest’s AI analyzes pins by the keywords in titles and descriptions. So, the pins that match the search terms used are more likely to be displayed.

But, how do you know what people are searching for on Pinterest? You do keyword research by:

  • Typing keywords into the Pinterest search bar.

  • Seeing what keywords are used in high performing pins. 

  • Using a keywords research tool.

I go in depth on different ways to find keywords for Pinterest, as well as what not to do when writing Pinterest descriptions, here

Mistake 2: Ignoring Pinterest’s Features, Including Trends and Business Analytics

Pinterest strategies are always a work in progress – you need to dive into Pinterest analytics regularly to understand what content is working and what’s not. 

“...if most of your impressions are on mobile, you can optimize your website for mobile. If an item on your site is driving traffic, you can make sure it's available, feature it in more Pins, and save it to more boards,” explains Pinterest Business

Here are Pinterest metrics to keep an eye on:

  • Impressions are the number of times that pins were seen. 

  • Saves represent the amount of times pins were saved or pinned by pinners to their boards. 

  • Outbound clicks represent website traffic

  • Engagements are the total number of actions done on your pins, such as saves, clicks, and outbound clicks.

Don’t ignore Pinterest Trends, either. Under Pinterest Analytics, you’ll find Trends. This is where the platform lists seasonal and growing, as well as yearly and monthly, popular searches. You can filter by the gender and age of your audience, interests, and keywords. 

Make use of this tool to ensure that you’re tapping into the top trends in your clients’ industries.

Mistake 3: Ignoring Soft Skills 

You need more than just Pinterest skills to have a successful business – don’t ignore the development of your soft skills, including:

  • Organizational skills 

  • Communication skills 

  • Time management

  • Adaptability

When you’re well organized, are able to listen and communicate effectively, can manage your time well, and adapt to the ever changing marketing landscape, you can create an amazing client experience. 

Mistake 4: Not Addressing Your Mindset 

Learning as much as you can about Pinterest marketing and developing a business strategy are important steps, but don’t underestimate the power of your mindset. You can’t let self-doubt or a fear of failure stop you from taking the actions you need to take in order to get clients and grow your business. 

“One of the biggest fears for entrepreneurs is failure. But the truth is that failure is an inevitable part of the entrepreneurial journey…Instead of dwelling on your failures, use them as learning experiences. Take the time to reflect on what went wrong, and use those lessons to improve and do things differently next time,” advises Entrepreneur.com. 

It was my daily mindset work that laid the foundation for me to build my six-figure business as a Pinterest manager. 

Get my mindset routine here

Mistake 5: Disregarding Your Education and Not Upskilling

To be a successful business owner, you’ve got to take your educational and skills development seriously. The marketing world is constantly changing, so it’s essential that you stay up-to-date. 

Block out time in your schedule to read newsletters and blogs, review new Pinterest strategies, and even take courses to upskill. 

If you don’t evolve along with marketing and business trends, your client relationships and your results will be negatively impacted.  

Mistakes are part of starting a business – not everything is going to go smoothly. But, by understanding the Pinterest algorithm and how SEO works, reading Pinterest business analytics and how they impact your marketing strategies, developing your soft skills, and prioritizing your education, you can avoid many pitfalls and get your VA business up and running faster. 

Hello, I'm Megan! 

An introvert at heart, Pinterest is the perfect platform for me. Simply posting your content using the right marketing strategies gets you an abundance of website traffic? No engagement or ‘showing up’ needed?

Who wouldn’t want to use this powerhouse of a platform …