5 Pinterest VA Success Tips To Achieve Your Business Goals

5 Pinterest VA Success Tips To Achieve Your Business Goals

Congratulations on starting your own business as a Pinterest VA! This is an amazing step to take towards your goals of a freedom-focused lifestyle and leaving your 9 to 5 behind. I’m so passionate about people starting Pinterest marketing businesses, as this is how I created my dream life as a successful entrepreneur. As someone who has grown a business as a Pinterest manager, I’ve collected a few tips to help others on their journeys. 

Follow these five tips to grow your Pinterest VA business

Invest In Yourself 

One of the best things you can do to ensure the future success of your business is to invest in yourself through education and self-care. 


Yes, you can become a Pinterest VA for free, but you’ve still got to develop the skills necessary. This includes understanding how the Pinterest algorithm works, the role that SEO plays, what makes a pin successful, how to create a Pinterest business strategy, and grasping Pinterest analytics. You can learn a lot from blogs (like this one) as well as YouTube videos. 

However, to really collapse time around your entrepreneurship goals, you need to have a person who has already built a successful Pinterest business on your side. 

The Haskin Creatives online course will provide you with comprehensive, step-by-step training to become a successful Pinterest VA. You’ll get the tried-and-tested blueprint I used to create a Pinterest marketing business that earns me over $30,000 every month. Learn more here.


Growing a business isn’t easy! There are many ups and downs on the way to achieving your goals. If you don’t take time for self-care, the work and challenges can get overwhelming, which can cause you to give up on your dreams. 

The way to avoid this is through having a self-care checklist that you can pull out when your schedule is too much for you mentally and emotionally. 

Self-care really doesn’t need to cost a lot of money! It can be as simple as doing exercise like going for a walk, doing an everything shower, and putting on your favorite series while enjoying some snacks. 

These simple acts of self-love can help you recharge and come back to your business with more creativity and drive. 

Create A Strong “Why”

You’re not always going to be motivated to get clients and market your business – it can be draining! If you only work on your business when you feel motivated to do so, you’ll quickly fall behind and stop making progress. 

This is why you need a strong “why” behind your business goals. As philosopher Frederick Nietzsche said, “He who has a why can endure any how.” 

Get your journal out and write the answers down to these questions:

  • What’s the big vision that drives you? 

  • How will your life change once you achieve your business goals?

  • Why do you want to be a Pinterest VA and have your own business? 

  • How does your role as a Pinterest VA contribute to your overall life goals? 

Getting into the nitty-gritty of the “why” behind your goals can push you forward even when doing the “how” gets tough. This is part of mindset work to help develop resilience. 

Do Mindset Work

A business plan and marketing strategy are incredibly important to be a successful Pinterest VA, but so is mindset work. Psychologist Carol Dweck explains in Verywell Mind that, “... your beliefs play a pivotal role in what you want and whether you achieve it…it is your mindset that plays a significant role in determining achievement and success.”

Dr. Dawn Brown, psychiatrist and entrepreneur, suggests in Forbes that entrepreneurs can build a growth mindset by stepping out of their comfort zone, “Fear and anxiety will put up barriers that keep you from getting where you want to be, but you can break past every one of these…each choice to step out of your comfort zone can be a step forward and into a growth mindset. With your new growth mindset, every challenge can be seen as an opportunity, even if it may end in failure.” 

It’s also important to create a mindset routine that you practice daily – this can include journaling and visualization

Find the mindset routine that helped me grow my business here

Make Research A Consistent Part Of Your Schedule 

The online business world and marketing channels are constantly changing – this includes Pinterest business. It’s vital to stay up-to-date with new strategies and changes on the platform. 

Take time in your schedule to read newsletters and blogs to make sure that you’re providing your clients with the best possible service. 

Know The Power Of Effective Communication

Communication is a soft skill that can make all the difference in your business.  

You need to be on the same page as your clients to have a successful relationship. You do this by active listening (giving full attention, using encouraging language, and asking clarifying questions) and clearly communicating how you’ll approach their Pinterest strategy.

This will build trust, reduce the risk of misunderstandings and mistakes, and improve your client relationships. 

By investing in yourself, getting clear on your “why”, doing mindset work, consistently researching and upskilling, and improving your communication skills, you can build a thriving business as a Pinterest VA.

Hello, I'm Megan! 

An introvert at heart, Pinterest is the perfect platform for me. Simply posting your content using the right marketing strategies gets you an abundance of website traffic? No engagement or ‘showing up’ needed?

Who wouldn’t want to use this powerhouse of a platform …